Amazon WorkDocs Enterprise App

Case Study

Project Overview
Amazon WorkDocs is a file sharing and storage application designed to streamline the process of uploading, sharing, and managing files. It caters to both individual users and businesses, offering features such as collaborative workspaces, advanced security, and cross-platform accessibility.

The primary objective was to improve the user experience (UX) by addressing user pain points, enhancing usability, and ensuring that the application is intuitive and efficient. During this process we also improved the look and feel to update the application.

Design Process

Based on our research, we developed several personas to guide the design process:

  • Jane, the Small Business Owner: Needs efficient file sharing and collaboration tools for her team.

  • Tom, the Program Manager: Requires fast uploads and intuitive file organization.

  • Lisa, the Corporate Employee: Looks for seamless integration with productivity tools and robust security features.

User Journey Mapping
We mapped out the user journeys for different personas to identify critical touchpoints and areas for improvement. Key stages included:

  • File Upload

  • File Sharing

  • File Management

  • Search

  • Document Authoring

Wireframes and Prototypes

Wireframes: Created low-fidelity wireframes to visualize the new layout and features, focusing on:

  • Simplified navigation with a more intuitive sidebar.

  • Clear, prominent buttons for uploading, sharing, and managing files.

  • An improved file permission interface (Right Panel) with clear options and explanations.

Prototypes: Developed interactive prototypes using Adobe XD to test and iterate on design ideas. The prototypes included:

  • A redesigned Home page with a clean, user-friendly interface.

  • An enhanced file-sharing modal with easy-to-use permission settings.

  • Improved Actions ingress for improved action discovery

Usability Testing
Conducted usability testing with prototypes to gather feedback on: We completed moderated series of questions 1:1 with participants and Un-moderarted utilizing, to gain customer feedback during the design phase.

  • Ease of navigation and task completion.

  • Clarity of new features and options.

  • Overall look and feel

Based on user feedback, we made several iterations, including:

  • Refining the file-sharing modal to simplify permission settings.

  • Improve file authoring and discovery through search

  • Streamlining the file management system to reduce clutter and improve organization.

  • Improve Feedback mechanism to show in real-time and action feedback.


Design Specifications
Finalized design specifications included:

  • A clean, modern interface with a focus on usability. (list items, spacing, font hierarchy, colors, UI placement)

  • Enhanced file upload discovery

  • A new, simplified file-sharing system with granular permission controls.

  • Improved document authoring

  • Improved actionable items by removing clutter and reduced steps using menus and icons

Collaboration with Development
Worked closely with the development team to ensure that design specifications were accurately implemented. Conducted regular reviews (multiple per week and slack) and feedback sessions to address any issues promptly.

Launch and Rollout

Release the updated version of Amazon WorkDocs in phases:

  • Beta Release: Rolled out to a select group of users to gather initial feedback and address any critical issues.

  • Full Launch: Implemented based on feedback from the beta phase, accompanied by user guides and support materials.

Results (BETA)

Metrics and Feedback

  • User Satisfaction: Increased user satisfaction by 35%, as measured by post-launch surveys and feedback.

  • Performance: Reduced average file upload time by 50% and improved overall application responsiveness.

  • Usability: Notable decrease in reported navigation issues and sharing-related problems.

  • Adoption: Increased adoption of integration features by 40%, indicating successful implementation

User Feedback

  • Users praised the simplified navigation and intuitive file-sharing options.

  • Users like how modern the app felt.

  • Positive feedback on the enhanced performance and clear feedback during file operations.


The UX improvements made to Amazon WorkDocs resulted in a more intuitive and efficient application that better meets the needs of its users. By addressing key pain points and incorporating user feedback, we enhanced overall satisfaction and performance.

Future Recommendations

  • Continue gathering user feedback to identify new areas for improvement.

  • Explore opportunities for further integration with emerging productivity tools.

  • Maintain a focus on performance optimization to ensure a seamless user experience.