Xbox Branded Destination App

Case Study

Project Overview
Our project involved creating a branded destination advertisement for a major gaming brand on the Xbox platform. The goal was to design an engaging and immersive ad experience that effectively promoted the brand while integrating seamlessly with Xbox's user interface and gaming environment.

The primary objective was to develop a branded destination ad that not only captured users' attention but also encouraged interaction and engagement. We aimed to enhance brand visibility and affinity through an experience that felt native to the Xbox ecosystem.

Design Process

Persona Development

Based on research, we developed personas to guide the design of the branded destination ad:

  • Alex, the Casual Gamer: Enjoys gaming as a pastime and appreciates ads that offer in-game rewards or enhancements.

  • Jamie, the Hardcore Gamer: Invested in gaming culture and values ads that integrate well with the gaming experience and offer exclusive content.

  • Taylor, the Brand Enthusiast: Follows brands closely and is more likely to engage with ads that offer insider access or unique experiences.

Design Principles

We established core design principles for the branded destination ad:

  • Integration: Ensure that the ad experience feels like a natural part of the Xbox environment.

  • Interactivity: Include interactive elements that encourage user engagement and interaction.

  • Value: Provide clear value through exclusive content, rewards, or special offers.

  • Non-Intrusiveness: Design the ad to avoid disrupting gameplay or the user experience.

Concept Development

Ad Format: Chose a branded destination ad format that included:

  • Dedicated Ad Space: A prominent, but non-intrusive, space on the Xbox home screen or in the main menu.

  • Interactive Elements: Features such as clickable banners, mini-games, or trailers that users could engage with.

Design and Prototyping

Wireframes: Created low-fidelity wireframes to outline the layout and key interactive elements of the ad.

Prototypes: Developed interactive prototypes to test the user experience, focusing on:

  • Visual Design: Ensuring the ad’s visual elements were aligned with both the Xbox platform and the brand’s identity.

  • User Flow: Mapping out the user journey from seeing the ad to engaging with its interactive elements.

  • Integration Points: Testing how the ad integrated with existing Xbox features and ensuring it did not disrupt the gaming experience.

Usability Testing

Testing: Conducted usability tests with a sample group of Xbox users to gather feedback on:

  • Ad Visibility: Ensuring the ad was noticeable but not overwhelming.

  • Interactivity: Evaluating the effectiveness and appeal of interactive elements.

  • Overall Experience: Assessing how well the ad integrated with the overall Xbox experience and whether it added value for users.

Iteration: Refined the design based on feedback, making adjustments to improve visibility, interactivity, and overall user experience.



Collaboration: Worked closely with developers to ensure the ad was implemented according to design specifications and seamlessly integrated with the Xbox platform.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Conducted thorough testing to ensure the ad functioned correctly across different Xbox models and operating system versions.


Phased Rollout: Implemented a phased rollout to monitor performance and gather initial user feedback before a full-scale launch.

Marketing and Support: Coordinated with the brand’s marketing team to create supporting materials and promotions to drive engagement with the ad.


Metrics and Feedback

  • User Engagement: Achieved a 25% higher engagement rate compared to previous Xbox ads, as measured by interaction metrics and click-through rates.

  • User Feedback: Positive feedback on the ad’s integration with the Xbox experience and the value of interactive elements. Users appreciated the non-intrusive format and exclusive content offered.

  • Brand Impact: Increased brand visibility and affinity, with a 15% rise in brand recognition and a 20% increase in positive sentiment toward the brand, based on post-campaign surveys.

Performance Insights

  • Effective Integration: The ad’s seamless integration into the Xbox platform was a key factor in its success.

  • Interactive Elements: The inclusion of interactive elements significantly boosted user engagement and satisfaction.

  • Value Proposition: Providing exclusive content and rewards effectively encouraged user interaction with the ad.


The branded destination ad on the Xbox platform successfully created an engaging and immersive experience that enhanced brand visibility and user interaction. By integrating interactive elements and ensuring a non-intrusive design, we achieved a positive reception from users and delivered significant value for the brand.

Future Recommendations

  • Enhanced Interactivity: Explore additional interactive features to further increase user engagement.

  • Personalization: Consider incorporating personalized elements based on user preferences and gaming behavior.

  • Ongoing Optimization: Continuously monitor performance and gather user feedback to make iterative improvements and adapt to evolving user needs.